Practical experience is very important for the career entry because it helps you with your professional orientation. In the BSc Social Sciences (EM 2021) and MA Political Science (EM 2021) you have the opportunity to receive ECTS points for a completed internship in a field of work related to political science.
In the BSc Social Sciences, students can complete a self-organized internship in the specialisation module Praktikum: Politikwissenschaft in der Praxis (9 ECTS). The module includes a 90-minute kick-off session at the beginning of the semester, you will spend the rest of the time in the internship. As examination, you will write an internship report in which you reflect on the importance of the university training content in the respective professional context.
The internship, which you look for and organize independently, must last at least six weeks, be full-time, be completed during the bachelor's programme and have a connection to political science, which should be described in the internship report. Please take note of the important and detailed information in the PDF on the right under "Documents and links".
In the MA Political Science, the module Internship (12 ECTS) is located in the supplementary section. As examination, you will also write an internship report.
You look for and organize the internship independently. It must last at least six weeks, be full-time, be completed during the master's degree and have a political science connection. Please take note of the important and detailed information in the PDF on the right under "Documents and links".
Internship abroad
If an internship abroad is completed as part of the bachelor's or master's programme, students have the option of receiving financial support through the Erasmus+ programme, even if they have already received funding as part of their studies abroad.
In this case, the internship must last at least 60 days and the application for funding must be submitted preferably 4 weeks before the start of the internship. The International Relations Center (ZIB) of the WiSo Faculty is the first point of contact for students who are interested in a stay abroad and provides advice on opportunities for internships abroad.
Why should I do an internship?
An internship offers many benefits and can be an enriching experience for everyone. It can provide more orientation in the professional world, give an overview of a specific field of activity, and allow you to explore your interests and personal perspectives in an area. You can gain both personal and professional experience, apply your study-related knowledge in practice, and even combine it with gaining international experience if desired. An internship can offer career prospects and contacts for later career entry at an early stage in your life.
Due to these numerous advantages, both the B.Sc. Social Sciences and the M.A. Political Science offer the possibility to have an internship credited under certain conditions.
Is the internship mandatory or voluntary?
It is not a mandatory internship, but a voluntary one, as there are alternative options. In the B.Sc. Social Sciences program, the Career Fields Seminar can be attended instead of an internship. In the M.A. Political Science, the internship module can be chosen in the supplementary area with various other courses. Therefore, it is not possible to issue mandatory internship certificates. However, you can alternatively have an internship promotion certificate issued at the WiSo Student Service Point.
Does the internship have to be full-time and how long must it last?
The internship must be completed as a full-time activity (35 hourse per week are sufficient) for at least 6 weeks. Therefore, accumulating hours from a part-time job or volunteer work is not possible.
How do I find an internship position?
Think about your interests & goals and in which area an internship can be beneficial for you. Plan the time period considering the duration, also take into account your financing and corresponding possibilities (e.g., BAföG, scholarships, Erasmus+, other international funding, etc.). In addition to job postings, you can also find internship positions with smaller companies/organizations through research and unsolicited applications.
Early internship search is generally recommended, as this leaves enough room for a longer search and the availability of internship positions is more likely to be guaranteed, also in terms of application deadlines.
Where can I do an internship?
For the recognition of an internship as a study credit, a political science context is relevant. The list of possible fields of activity is long: political institutions, companies, NGOs, foundations, associations, volunteer organizations, international organizations, trade unions, social associations (AWO, Caritas), parties, journalism, administration, healthcare, arts and culture, marketing, market and social research, election research, media analysis, mobility, data science, public relations, political education, publishing, and many more.
If you are unsure whether your planned internship would be creditable in Political Science, please contact politik-kontakt for clarification.
How can I get credit for the internship?
In the Bachelor of Social Sciences there is the compulsory elective module Internship in the specialisation area with 9 ETCS, and in the Master of Political Science there is the module Internship in the supplementary area with 12 ECTS. In both cases, an internship report must be submitted as a module examination.
Upon application, subject-related, practical knowledge - for example from an internship - can also be recognised as part of the ‘Studium Integrale’. One ECTS is recognised for every 30 proven hours of work, up to a maximum of 12 ECTS. For further information, please contact the WiSo Student Service Point. Further information can also be found on the website of the WiSo Examination Office.
What should be included in the internship report?
The aim of the internship report is to reflect on your internship and your related expectations. You should describe your motivation and goals before the start of the internship, the position and activity itself, as well as the relation to your studies and your further career path.
The internship report is the module's graded examination. It is irrelevant whether you had a great experience and start a part-time job in the field straight afterwards, or whether your expectations were not met and you had hoped for more. The ratings in your internship certificate will also not be taken into account. The internship report you submit will be treated confidentially and will not be published.
For the formalities, please refer to the relevant guidelines (linked below). Please note that the requirements for Bachelor's and Master's degrees differ.
Where can I find more information?
For information about the internship as a module in your studies (Bachelor & Master), the corresponding guidelines will help you. There you will also find detailed descriptions of the requirements for the internship reports.
The Political Science Newsletter for students, which is sent out about twice a month, also includes job postings for internships.
The WiSo Career Service is a helpful point of contact for both general advice on internship opportunities and specific internship offers on the internship exchange and application assistance.