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Written exams

The core lectures in both the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes usually include a written exam of 60 minutes, which takes place after the lecture period. There is usually the option to retake an exam in the term after for any students who failed their first attempt. As with any examinations, students must register for written exams.

Inspection of written exams

Students may inspect their written exams at the department by prior appointment during certain periods in order to get an understanding of how they received their mark.

Students must book an appointment. An online form is available on this webpage during the registration period. After the end of that period, no requests for inspection are accepted. Requests for inspecting exams from earlier semesters are not accepted. The registration period and the expected date for the inspection is announced on the News page each semester. The date usually lies in the third or fourth lecture week of the following semester and is announced about 6 weeks in advance in accordance with the guidelines of the examination office. The inspection of rewrite and repeat exams takes place on the same date. Registered students will receive details on the date of the inspection shortly after the end of the registration period.

Students may request a re-marking of their written exam by sending a brief statement that clearly explains any issues to the department ( within two weeks after the inspection. The chair will give a formal response within two weeks or schedule a meeting with the student.

Also note the policy on exam inspections and revision of marks.