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Invitation to Michael Bechtel’s Inaugural Lecture on 16 January 2023, 14.00-16.00

Inaugural Lecture: Why Are We Underprepared? Democracy, Sustainability, and Long-Term Policy Challenges

We cordially invite you to Michael Bechtel’s Inaugural Lecture on "Why Are We Underprepared? Democracy, Sustainability, and Long-Term Policy Challenges". The lecture takes place on 16 January 2023, 14.00−16.00, in the Tagungsraum of the Seminargebäude (Universitätsstr. 37, 50931 Köln). It is followed by a reception. Please register for the Inaugural Lecture here.

Michael Bechtel is Professor of Political Economy in the Department of Political Science and European Affairs, faculty member in the Cologne Center for Comparative Politics, and senior researcher in the cluster of excellence ECONtribute: Markets and Public Policy at the University of Cologne.

Please click here for the full-size poster.